
Showing posts from January, 2010

BDSM Question

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TwiFans for Haiti

TwiFans for Haiti: MsKathy's TwiFandom Challenge  When you donate at least 5 to a charity of your choice by 11:59PM January 24, 2010 , to help aid the victims of the Haiti Earthquakes , and you will receive a compilation of varying length pieces of fiction by a large group of Twifandom writers, myself included. For more information visit : MsKathy's Blog As a contributing Author, I am donating an Outtake from my Story What You Least Expected called 'Bright Star' (A romantic outtake of the 'Cayman Island's' of night Bella and Edward conceived the twins(unknowingly).) HappyWanderer (author of Bad Press ) and me, are also contributing a little snippet of an upcoming collaborative story we are doing together called, 'The Right Adjustment' (full of lemony goodness!) Story debut ETA:TBA (watch my notes if you're interested in more information, as HW and I will make it available soon.) As a fandom we can do so much GREAT together. Plea...

MoMH Ch.24 update news:

Okay,I know, so I'm a huge fucking bitch. No ones knows this to be more true, that Mr.Marley. ;)  That being said; I come bearing news and gifts. First the news, then the gifts. News: Chapter 24 of MoMH is in my final stage of my editing right now. What does this mean? It means the original 24 was shit and I scrapped it. Now don't get your panties in a twist, 24 is written now. As we speak, I'm going through the last of my edits and readying it for my beta's read through. From there it'll be edited, prettied up and readied for posting. The plot of the story hasn't changed or anything like that. 24 just wasn't flowing, and while I know you enjoy long chapters....I don't think you like ones that go on and on talking in circles. So it was scrapped out and re-written. All teasers I've posted are still relevant for 24 but somethings have changed. (nothing major.) I also wanted to throw out there, that like my other story: What You Least Expected , I...

Beautiful New MoMH Banner!

Hi Guys! This is my beautiful new banner for Master of My Heart! My thanks goes out to Andrea!! You did a beautiful job hun!! Thank you soooooo freakin much. I love it! <3 If anyone's interested in the banner for your signatures on forums, please feel free to email me for the codes! I'll be posting it on my Twilighted  account asap! and I'll try and put them up on here too so you can snatch them up! (I just need to figure it out first! :) ) -B