The Fandom Gives Back
I'm not on the list of TwiFic authors being auctioned off for FGB, but I wanted to offer myself up in some way to show my love and support of this amazing event. So this is what I'm doing to contribute, I am in the process of finishing an outtake I planned on posting of Edward and Bella's 'Missing two weeks' of Master of My Heart. I had originally intended to post this with EPOV in Keeper of My Soul. However, I like this idea much better. The Outtake is a juicy little look at the mounting sexual tension that takes place between my two characters during those 2 weeks I skipped ahead through. Its full of angst and lemony-ish goodness. I promise if you like reading MoMH/KoMS you wont want to miss this. So these are my rules : I wont limit this to one or two readers, but rather anyone of my readers who makes a donation of at least $25 to the fandom's official lemonade stand will get a copy of this outt...