I know, so sorry for the lengthy wait on 26. I'm finishing up the edits right now. PROMISE. I felt like I owed you a little something, seeing as this chapter is extremely lengthy, (16,000 words so far...) I decided to post you the opening scene here, until I can get it up on the FF sites. Which, I'm confident will be before the weekend is done. ;) I already have most of 27 hand written, too. So, all I'll need to do, is transfer it from paper to screen by typing it out. The wait between 26 and 27 won't be as long, but 27 also won't be as length in words as 26 is. So consider 26 a special treat. 26 is literally like 3 chapters in length. I wish it could have been broken up into separate chapters, but the flow needed to be continuous in this one chapter to get us through. I feel slightly terrible for making a chapter that long and I hope you'll forgive me for making you sit through it. :) I think you guys will like where it goes. At least, I hope y...