Chapter 32 has posted on the blog and looks likes it's readable on FFn . I need to get over to TWCS and post there too. I'm happy with the general response you've given me for 32. I know some of you are upset with the direction and feel as though Bella has been through enough as it is. No one agree with you more than I do. ;) Like I've maintained from the beginning, everything I write happens with good reason. The heart fail is very minimal in the next few chapters. (So hang in there.) In the next chapter you'll get to see Bella sort of taking charge of this Edward situation as she fights to bring her MASTER (Yes, I said MASTER.) home. ;) You'll be pleased. Promise. Hang in, trust me, and enjoy!! You know I wouldn't put Bella through something so awful if there wasn't a good reason for it in the first place..... Chapter 33 will go up tonight (we're on schedule so far!) so keep your eyes peeled for it. Something I forgot to do was a rec for