Autumn Sunrise - Sequel to Summer Breeze

Join me on the next installment 
Summer Breeze

Autumn Sunrise 
The story of a couple with a love so strong - anything is possible to overcome. 
Isabella Cullen is the wife of successful neurologist Doctor Edward Cullen. Just starting off, the young married couple is faced with the impossible when Isabella is involved in an accident with a drunk driver.  With Bella's life hanging in the balance, Edward is faced with the impossible. 
He can save her life....but can he save her memories? 
The sequel to Summer Breeze.  


Debby said…
Just completed Summer Breeze and am looking for the sequel. Hope all is well in RL for you. Will you be putting this sequel up on FF also?
Unknown said…
Oh my god I was checking MoMH on your peofile and I stumbeled upon a summer breeze and it had me captivated! It's 12 am at my time but I could not stop and I couldnot hwlp but come here and tell you what a beautiful short story it is and how I'm accching from this moment on to read it ! My FF account is mimitwilight90210 I'm a loyal MoMH reader Lol I keep reading it over and over until you update!I'm sincerely awed by your talent and you are one of the FF writers im thankful to have!

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