MoMH's been reviewed on Southern Fan Fiction Review!
I'm a little out of it, horrible cold/allergy bull shit, I'm med'd up out of my mind right now so if this doesnt make sense I apologize.
Master of My Heart has been Recommended and Reviewed on Southern Fan Fiction Review! My good pal Sandy (@ssherrill11) on twitter runs this awesome review site. What's it all about you ask? Reviews and recommendations of FAN-tastic Fan Fiction! I am honored to be included in her list and so thankful for all the new readers and tweeters I've gained because of her sweet review. So go check it out by clicking the link I've provided below and follow Sandy's blog and twitter. She's a hoot, and sooo much fun to chat with!!
<3 you Sandy!!
Also, if you arent aware of the MoMH Blog, you probably should be. I'll be posting an out take and a new chapter of MoMH on there before the weekend is though, so you may want to sign up for email alert or at least check back. Link to the site is in the side bar.....but I'll post it below too so you can be lazy. (I like lazy, lazy is sexy. ; ) I told you I was high on Robitussin, right??)
Master of My Heart has been Recommended and Reviewed on Southern Fan Fiction Review! My good pal Sandy (@ssherrill11) on twitter runs this awesome review site. What's it all about you ask? Reviews and recommendations of FAN-tastic Fan Fiction! I am honored to be included in her list and so thankful for all the new readers and tweeters I've gained because of her sweet review. So go check it out by clicking the link I've provided below and follow Sandy's blog and twitter. She's a hoot, and sooo much fun to chat with!!
<3 you Sandy!!
Also, if you arent aware of the MoMH Blog, you probably should be. I'll be posting an out take and a new chapter of MoMH on there before the weekend is though, so you may want to sign up for email alert or at least check back. Link to the site is in the side bar.....but I'll post it below too so you can be lazy. (I like lazy, lazy is sexy. ; ) I told you I was high on Robitussin, right??)
So yea, I slack this weekend... but I'm working as hard as I can whilst on my death bed here. (Before you ask I was being facetious. I'm not really dying....although it feels like it. :( I'm ok though, nothing some tussin and sleep wont cure.) Check back tomorrow for the OT post. :)
<3 B